May 27, 2012

Rescources and other stuff

It's been a while since I've been doing some Photoshop brushes and other resources. It was about time. I've got so much material to edit, create and upload. I just don't have the time and the space for the moment.
Here are just my latest works. Resources as always to be download at deviantArt. The stamps were only a try, for deviantArt, too. But I think they just turned out pretty good so far.
I start to like dA-stamps.
I'll make some more brushes, textures etc. Just check out my deviantArt account some time.

cogwheel photoshop brushes

May 17, 2012

as known as raVen MacKay

I made a gig mistake almost four years ago.
I called my first website (in 2001) Raven's Nest. I kept that name until February 2011 for my webpage. And I also took Ravens-Nest for my DeviantArt account. THAT was the big mistake. People know me as raven MacKay since now almost 25 years. Everyone asked me why I haven't a DA-account. 
Well I have a DA account since August 2008. i was wondering years before if I should open a DA-account or not. 
Anyway. Long story short.
DeviantArt has decided that all premium members can change their nicknames or alias at DeviantArt.
I think I am most happy about that. People will find me by google or how ever. 
Click on the DA-book to visit my DeviantArt page.